Saturday, June 27, 2009

In the Midst of the Raging Storm News

Hey All !! Sorry its been a while since my last post.Been busy in the Squirrel Ranch Studio with Producer/Engineer Thomas Reock,adding final touches,lead guitars and some ad ins.Now,the new cd will contain seven new songs.The cd is a concept cd as we originally stated.It will be intense very powerpop with of course some prog influences.All new ideas.We took this new project in a totally different direction than the last cd.It promises to make all rockers happy.

The new cd will be released very soon.That's all I can say.Remember,there is no real time limit on my projects because I'm technically not under contract.The new cd will be sold via download on my website and cd baby,and many others.Also hopefully a few in store places as well.We had some offers to do this.
I will be prmoting Inthe Midst of the Raging storm as soon as it's released.New York City night club UNCLE MIKES got a taste of several songs from the new cd and was received well.

Ok People that's all for now.Look for the In the Midst of the Raging Storm coming soon and,news on my MySpace page too


Sean Patrick

Friday, May 1, 2009 Interview

Hey All..It's me again..I was recently interviewed by the one and only PAULIE PODCASTER,who has been in radio forever (Well,not quite that long but ,awhile)
I was interviewed for about 40 minutes long and the interview went smooth without a hitch.The show however is an hour long.PLEASE,if you want to know more about me and my music go to DIGIVEGAS.COM... Check out interview 136 SEAN PATRICK.AND do checkout all of Paulies stuff;he's no tart like some you hear..He is SUPER professional and I was quite honored being asked to do an interview with him.He knows quite a few big wigs;if you know what I mean...WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE.Please excuse any writing errors that I may make ,for it is late and I'm a bit tired.

So checkout PAULIE PODCASTER..DIGIVEGAS.COM..interview 136 Sean Patrick...ME !!

Peace Y'ALL